Psychotherapy services
Psychotherapy can help us come to terms with the past; understand our feelings and reactions better; overcome relationship problems; find our own way into the future.
People come to St Marylebone HCC with all the sorts of problems that many of us encounter from time to time in life, such as depression and anxiety, difficulties with relationships, problems at work or bereavement. It is quite normal to have a rough patch in life when you feel you cannot cope, and it is healthy to ask for help. Talking to an independent, professional therapist can provide perspective and insight.
About our psychotherapy services
About our psychotherapy services
At St Marylebone HCC we normally offer individuals one session of psychotherapy each week for up to two years, but sometimes shorter periods are recommended, or group therapy may be offered when appropriate. We also have a specially tailored programme for young people between the ages of 18 and 25.
Our approach is that current problems are often rooted in earlier difficulties which need to be understood before we can grow beyond them. At the same time, we may need to find more creative ways of managing our thoughts and feelings and of relating to other people. The therapists at St Marylebone HCC use a “conversational” model and aim to be actively involved in a creative process with their clients.
We have a diverse team of psychotherapists who are highly experienced. The majority are fully qualified and either accredited or working towards accreditation by the BACP or are registered with the UKCP or BPC. However, in an on-going commitment to the development of the profession and the future of St Marylebone HCC, we do offer a small number of honorary placements to trainee psychotherapists who have been rigorously selected and are undertaking a highly professional training through The Society of Analytical Psychology.
St Marylebone HCC welcomes clients from all walks of life and of all faiths and no faith. Although it is situated in a parish church, our psychotherapy services adhere to professional ethical guidelines, which means that we take a neutral stance. Therefore, we do not pray in sessions or offer spiritual guidance. However, if you wish to discuss a particular issue of a spiritual or religious nature, it would be treated with sympathy and understanding.
Individual Therapy
Therapy for Young People aged 18-25
Individual Therapy

The first step is to come and have an initial consultation with one of the members of our team. This will be with an experienced psychotherapist, who will offer a confidential space in which to explore your difficulties and discuss how we might be able to help you. This is a one-off meeting and is longer than a normal therapy session. You should allow up to 90 minutes.
Following this meeting, our allocation team will consider which of our therapists would work best with you and, if appropriate we will offer you weekly sessions at St Marylebone HCC, as far as possible at a time convenient to you. These will take place at the same time and with the same person each week so that you are able to build up a relationship with them. Weekly sessions last 50 minutes.
Sessions are available in person at St Marylebone HCC or by video conferencing. Please make your preference clear at the initial consultation.
In order to arrange an initial consultation, please complete and submit the application form, and make a payment for the appropriate fee. Once received, we will contact you to offer you an appointment.
We operate a sliding fee scale. Fees for the initial consultation are different because this is a longer meeting. Fees for weekly sessions are negotiated with your therapist at your first meeting. St Marylebone HCC aims to make its services affordable and accessible to all and we hope that no one is prevented from attending through lack of money. Some assistance may be available from our bursary fund for those in need, and this can be discussed at the initial consultation.
Therapy for Young People aged 18-25

St Marylebone HCC understands that the needs of young people in today’s ever changing and challenging world are complex and require a more nuanced service. With this in mind we are offering people between the ages of 18-25 access to a special provision for young people.
Rather than attending an initial consultation and then waiting for a first appointment, once your application has been received, you will be matched with a therapist trained to work with young people. We offer six sessions of one-to-one psychotherapy.
If the individual therapist and you decide that you would benefit from more sessions of one-to-one therapy, then you will then be reallocated to a different therapist who offers up to two years of once weekly psychotherapy. We will try to do this as quickly as we can but it may be necessary to wait until a suitable vacancy becomes available.
We appreciate that young people’s lives, particularly if they are students, are not necessarily as predictable and structured as those of older people who are more settled. This programme offers flexibility but also support as you negotiate some of the demands of life.
Please complete and submit the application form, and make a payment for the appropriate fee. Once received, we will contact you to offer you an appointment.
One-to-one sessions can be in-person or online.
Group Therapy
Group Therapy
Whilst many people contact St Marylebone HCC seeking individual therapy, we may sometimes recommend that working in a group might be beneficial. This can often help people to work through difficulties in relating to others or feeling supported as they confront issues in their life.
What is Group Therapy?
In group psychotherapy, a small number of people meet together under the guidance of a professionally trained therapist to help themselves and one another. There are many different approaches to group therapy, but they share in common the creation of a safe, supportive, and cohesive space to address personal, relationship and societal issues.
How does Group Therapy work?
Group therapy provides a place where you come together with others to share problems or concerns, to better understand your own situation, and to learn from and with each other. Under the leadership of a therapist, you will learn about yourself and improve your relationships with other people. In a typical session, which lasts about 60 minutes, members work to express their own challenges and aspirations, feelings, ideas, and reactions as freely and honestly as possible. The group therapist would meet with you individually to determine whether group therapy would be suitable for your needs.
St Marylebone HCC is in the process of expanding its group therapy work and in the future, we hope to be offering the following:
Closed Psychotherapy Group:
This would be a group that would meet on a regular basis for a pre-determined amount of time and would not be open to new members joining once it had started. Members would commit to attending the group and it would be facilitated by an experienced group therapist. The group therapist would meet with each person individually to discuss whether they could benefit from this approach.
Bereavement Group:
A rolling programme of bereavement groups, which will offer a safe space for people to explore, with other bereaved people, and a trained therapist, their experience of grief.
Making Sense
Our mental health support group, Making Sense, is a weekly drop-in. The group is open to all and offers companionship and the opportunity to talk about things that matter. The first 15 minutes is informal, and there will be a chance to speak with a Priest about spiritual issues if you wish. From 11.45am-1.00pm there will be a facilitated group process.
Refreshments are provided. There is no charge to attend but donations towards the cost of refreshments are welcome!
Every Friday
Start time:
End time:
The Howard de Walden Room
St Marylebone Parish Church
17 Marylebone Road London,
How does psychotherapy work?
Psychotherapists don’t do anything to anybody. They are trained to listen carefully while you talk through your problems. They are there to support and help you to find your own resources to approach life in a new way.
What would happen in a therapy session?
The therapist will attend to whatever you bring. They will seek to understand your feelings and make sense of things which may be upsetting, problematic or confusing. They will not offer advice.
How long will I have to wait for an appointment?
This will vary according to demand but usually about four weeks.
Do I have to be referred by my GP?
No. Most of our clients are self-referred.
Do you have a catchment area?
No. All are welcome. If you wish to attend sessions in person, you need to be able to get to our address in London. Otherwise, we can offer sessions via video conferencing or telephone.
What if what you offer is not suitable for my needs?
We will do our best to refer you to an appropriate person or agency.
Do you offer psychotherapy for couples?
We are only able to offer a limited number of places for psychotherapy for couples. Please contact us for further information. You could also contact Tavistock Relationships or Relate.