Pastoral Ministry

Pastoral ministry or pastoral care is undertaken by a priest or ordained person who supports those who may be in need.

St Marylebone HCC works alongside the clergy of St Marylebone Parish Church in promoting wholeness for all.

About pastoral ministry

Pastoral ministry can provide sustaining support through immediate or long-term difficulties. It can help us to be reconciled to ourselves, to others and to God. The Priest can pray with you if you wish, and their guidance may open up different ways of looking at things, which allows the process of restoring wholeness to begin.


Healing was at the centre of Jesus’ ministry on earth and is at the heart of the Church’s calling today. It also reflects Jesus’ concern and love for the whole person, which may manifest in a recovery from disease or may result in healing our relationship with an illness, disability, or aspect of our life we are unhappy with. It addresses the personal and communal, so the prayer can be for ourselves, for another in need or for a situation in the world outside.


If you have a request for prayer, please click here to contact our Priest Pastor.

Healing Eucharist

Choral Evening Prayer

Healing Eucharist

A short service of Holy Communion with prayers for healing and the laying on of hands.


Every Wednesday at 1.10pm. Click here to view this week’s service.

Choral Evening Prayer

Evening Prayer with prayers for healing and the laying on of hands.
Every first Sunday of the month at 6pm

Next: 6th April 2025. 

Our Pastoral Ministry Team

The Reverend Katy Hacker Hughes

Priest Pastor

The Reverend Canon Dr Robert Titley

Assistant Priest

Arrange a consultation

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Individual Therapy 18-25 Individual Therapy 26+


We operate a sliding scale of fees.
Select an option below to view

Fee scale 18-25 Fee scale 26+

Get in touch

020 7935 5066

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